Free mail-in nitrate water testingFor drinking water from private boresEveryone should be able to trust that the water from their tap is safe to drink. We’re offering free, mail-in water testing so you can check your water for nitrate contamination linked to bowel cancer and preterm birth and caused by synthetic nitrogen fertiliser and too many cows. If you rely on bore water for your household supply, you can order a free mail-in nitrate water testing kit here:
*Information from testing results is important to researchers including those at Otago University who want to better understand nitrate contamination. If you consent, we will confidentially share your data with researchers. |
Greenpeace believes you have a right to privacy on the web, and your data is safe with us. * Ethnicity is a variable used by researchers to assess inequities in our society. It is also fundamental to ensuring health research upholds Te Tiriti o Waitangi. |