Stop Luxon's War on Nature |
Every New Zealander should be able to swim in clean rivers and know that the water coming out of their kitchen tap is safe to drink. But dirty dairy has been polluting lakes, rivers, and streams across Aotearoa for decades. As a result, two-thirds of New Zealand’s rivers are too polluted to swim in, and once-safe drinking water is becoming increasingly contaminated with dangerous nitrates. Despite this, Christopher Luxon’s Government wants to take away important freshwater protections and open the door to big irrigation schemes again. In a recent letter to Greenpeace from Minister Chris Bishop, he outlined the Government’s plans to scrap laws that protect New Zealand’s rivers, lakes and streams. The newly introduced 'Fast-track Consenting Bill' could unleash horiffic environmental destruction including big new dairy irrigation schemes. This Government is putting the profits of Fonterra above the health of people and nature, but from the smallest towns to the biggest cities, people are standing up for the protection of freshwater and drinking water. Will you join them? Send a message now. |